Monday, December 14, 2009

innovation assignment seminar II

Adapt or die. Trends inevitably shape the way organisations think and act. What impact is sustainability likely to have on how organisations behave? You may like to think about whether it is the 'next big thing' that innovative organisations are embracing or responding to, or perhaps whether the truly innovative are already doing it.

In the business world, there is a special kind of alchemy that differentiates innovative companies from those where innovation is simply 'business as usual'. While powerful voices in government and commerce are pushing the message of innovation to make economies more globally competitive, results can be elusive. Deloitte can assist companies to design and implement an innovation plan as an intrinsic part of the business plan.
A hundred years ago there were no relationship between business and environment. In the business world today a sustainable business is one that creates profit for its shareholders while protecting the environment and improving the lives of those with whom it interacts.
To remain sustainable, organizations have to maintain and grow their economic, social & environmental capital. The term sustainability refers to providing the best outcomes for human and natural environments both now and into the indefinite hope in future.

Innovative organizations have identified the importance of sustainability in the running of their business. Clearly, there is substantial opportunity to leverage that power to create entirely new industries and reinvent existing ones. In all types of innovation - invention and adoption - the goal of the typical business enterprise is not simply to introduce something new, but to make a profit by doing so. A new product or service becomes profitable when it generates enough sales to cover its development costs and some share of corporate overhead. Profiting from innovation is related to the phenomenon of the product life cycle. Obviously, inventor firms bring products to market for the first time. As a market grows, other companies adopt the innovation and offer it too.
By approving sustainable practices, companies can benefit competitive frame, increase their market shares and stockholders. The growing demand for green products has created major new markets in which innovative eco-entrepreneurs are reaping rewards.

Now many businesses within Australia have taken positive steps to endorse sustainability to other organizations and to the local and domestic markets. Examples of these businesses are Business Shapers, Sustainable Business Strategies, Denis Cooke & Associates, Connell Mott MacDonald and Econow.
These organizations are promoted on the Sustainability in Victoria webs, provide and offer comprehensive services like seminars on climate change in Victoria Australia, which explains the risk management, carbon accounting, maintain marketing and greening the supply chain, to making the relationship between business and environment. These organizations endorse to provide audits on energy protection and management. The business ,who cooperate can now be offered them a rating, up to five stars, based on governance, management principles, resource efficiency, sustainable supply chains, for well being , improving the lives of those with whom it interacts, biodiversity, innovation and integration.

These businesses use innovative means helping environment act friendly. Many promote the work they are providing for the environment which they publish on their webs. An example is Ecosave who donates a tree for every tons of green house gas emission. Also they save 10 kilolitres of water through their projects. They also helping bye donate 5% of their profits to environmental and humanitarian charities to help environment problem.
It has been endorsed by many innovative Org to modified sustainability as important solution to environmental problem as part of their company and business. At the moment every natural system on globe is decomposing and molding. If current corporate practices remain, not one wildlife reserve, wilderness, or indigenous culture will survive the global market economy. In century we live the organization to take important steps to save the environment. Businesses that already aware of the relevance and of the three types of capital; social, economical and environmental, will lead human being to the way for the future if they endorsed to make relationship with environment. It will lead human and wild life to bright future.

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